born in 2014

born in 2014

Born in 2014, St Petersburg
Lives and works in Antropshino

Stepan Chemakin is a son of the artist Ivan Chemakin, a member of NORTH-7 - a prominent St. Petersburg art group. Like his father, Stepan uses wood, vintage paper, and found objects in his works. Stepan lives in Antropshino, a village near St Petersburg, in a house with a large garden and a real stove. He knows how to use a cassette recorder, has very little knowledge of geography, and doesn't use any modern gadgets. Stepan creates works with the most complex subjects, mainly on a military theme. Military actions in his works, as a rule, take place in London or in the USA.

Shotgun, 2021
Shark Teeth, 2022
Little House, 2021
Excavator, 2021
Phones, 2021
An Egg with Eyes, 2021
Windmill, 2021
Tape Recorder, 2021
A Man in Amusement Park, 2021
Coconut Picking Machine, 2021